Coffee, cars and more

Smell & Taste

What is Whisky?

Whisky (or whiskey) is a golden-coloured alcohol beverage enjoyed by millions across the world. It is made out of a fermented grain mash, which is then distilled. The distilled liquid

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee

Cold coffee is always a great treat – it is incredibly refreshing while giving you that distinct kick of energy that only caffeine can give you. However, one of the

How to brew French Press

The French Press is the brewing tool of choice for many coffee enthusiasts. It is intuitive, low-maintenance, and incredibly easy to use. If you are looking to make a creamy

7 Ways to Brew Coffee

Over the years, coffee culture has certainly grown and evolved dramatically. That said, there is now a wide array of different methods to prepare your cup of coffee. This is

The Brief History of Coffee

Coffee is perhaps one of the most popular beverages around the world today regardless of race, ethnicity, or nationality. It is one of the most valuable and highly traded commodities

What is an espresso?

If you are new to coffee, you may be wondering what is an espresso? You see it on bags of coffee, on the menu at coffee shops and wonder what

What is coffee?

When some of us think of coffee, we picture creamy cappuccinos and punchy little cups of espresso, but what really is coffee?

First post!

This is my first post on this new blog. More to come soon.